Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Books Yet Published: Sharks in the Waters

Books Yet Published: Sharks in the Waters: "Sharks in the Waters As the traditional publishing business goes down the toilet there are many unemployed or barely employed agents and ed..."

Sharks in the Waters

Sharks in the Waters
As the traditional publishing business goes down the toilet there are many unemployed or barely employed agents and editors who are scrambling to stay alive. This has made the waters thick with easy prey. New writers swimming right up to the sharks, lured by the predators promise... the success of your brilliant manuscript. They only seek to fatten their wallets and care nothing about you, your success, or finances. Agents who are now editors and visa-versa and now a new bread of sharks, other writers. Chumming the waters on Craigs List looking for other writers they can suck money out of, promising perfect edits and dazzling queries, complete with encouragement on how great your writing is.
My education is far from complete but I have learned something and I repeat it every day. I am not bait..I am not bait. I will not give money to the sharks...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Great Turbulence and Malcontent of Brimley Tinderbuss

                                 Chapter 1
                      Treasonous Temptations
It is with words that man can incite and words he can make love, but to threaten those who rule is a treasonous affair.

I, Brimley Tinderbuss, am not shocked by the King's new order nor surprised by the populace's quiet acceptance of it. I am convinced it will be just another shovel of dirt to suppress the good hard working people of the city of London. Questionably, I being one of them, believe all should be concerned by the precedential meaning of the thieving of honest money through taxation of even the simplest of life’s necessities.
Sitting hunched over my desk, tucked tight in the corner of a small but warm attic. My quill scratches endlessly on not-too-cheap parchment. The feather but a blur – my mind too fast for my fingers. My eyes are too weakened to make perfect the words I conjure and my mind sprints ahead of my writing. I encourage my fingers tight on feather-quill to keep pace, always the losing race...until the words become unintelligible and my mind trips and forgets the direction I seek.

The Great Turbulence and Malcontent of Brimley TInderbuss

This story is flowing out of me so fast and real, it's like I was in 1655 London. Living near stone gate, the entrance to London bridge, Brimley Tinderbuss's seditious writings against King Charles II, place his head in great jeopardy.